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Everything You Need To Know About Setting Up A Productive Workstation

woman stretching while sitting at a workstation

It’s an art form, really, setting up your ultimate productive workstation. When you have a dedicated space, you feel ready to take on the world. Whether you work from home or have a designated workstation at the office, it’s important to make sure you not only have everything you need to do the best job you can, but also that you are properly supported throughout the workday.

So let us talk you through how to set up your ultimate productive workstation.

Consider Your Desk Layout

The arrangement and placement of office furniture is vital to support the kind of work you do. It’s all about you. Your own personal preference and working style.

Want a more compact and streamlined work space for a single monitor?

Then a straight desk may be the perfect choice.

Need a second monitor and more desk space to spread out important documents?

Then a corner workstation may be your ideal fit.

Need to make important phone calls and handle confidential cases?

A private office or workstation with wrap around screening can minimise distractions and noise.

Does your new job involve working with a highly collaborative and dynamic team?

Find your Perfect Chair

Ergonomics is important.

When choosing your ideal office chair, comfort and support are the number one things you should be looking for. A fully ergonomic chair often will have a 3-lever mechanism that allows you to adjust the seat height, depth and slide.

You may also see features like adjustable arms, headrests and lumbar support as well as tilt tension mechanisms included on the product. It can all get a bit confusing. But, by understanding what features a superior ergonomic chair has, you’ll find it a lot easier to find the right chair for you.

Setting Up Productive Workstation Blog 2

Good Lighting

Natural light is by far the best in offices and studies have shown that positioning your office desk near a window with natural light can reduce stress and fatigue. However, if that isn’t an option for your workplace ensure you have sufficient overhead lighting. Most office buildings rely on florescent lights in the 6500K range, or about the same lighting level as daylight. We suggest adjusting the brightness and contrast on your monitor as well.

Storage & Filing


Avoid misplacing important documents and over cluttering your workspace by investing in solid storage and filing systems.

  • Hanging filing storage is great for saving valuable desk space.
  • A mobile pedestal fits neatly under a desk and ensures your office equipment and stationary supplies are close by.
  • An In & Out tray on your desk allows you to keep track of current tasks that need attending to.
  • A lockable filing cabinet keeps all your sensitive files safe and secure in the event of a fire or break-in.
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Keyboard & Monitor Positioning

To prevent eye and wrist strain, position your keyboard so your wrists can rest in a natural position (slightly lower than your elbows). Consider purchasing a mouse pad with a gel cushioned wrist support for a little extra comfort. The top of your monitor should be adjusted to be at eye level or slightly lower, and at a comfortable reading distance (at arm’s length). Adjustable monitor arms are great for finding your ideal screen position.

Décor & Atmosphere

Some people like adding little homey touches around their workstation like photos, bright stationery or plants. Others prefer to keep their workspace completely clear. That’s fine too . . . . . Just remember that no matter what you choose, keep it simple to reduce the amount of clutter encroaching on your workspace.

You can even practice Feng Shui to help you decide where to put everything. Everything has a place and the placement of objects can influence your flow of energy, oxygen and ideas. Adding indoor plants creates a bright and clean atmosphere. There’s nothing like adding a bit of greenery to brighten up the space and help air circulation. Whether you just want a little greenery or you want to transform your work environment into a green office, check out our 4 Great Tips For A Green Office blog.

For you to be the very best you can be, you want to be comfortable, supported and surrounded by things that will motivate you. Having an organised, functional and bright workstation will do wonders for your productivity. Who knows? You may even be excited to come to work! We hope you found these tips helpful. Good luck!

Productive Workstation
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