What Teachers & Students At Stella Maris Love About Their New Future Focused Classrooms
“The furniture here from BFX has been awesome. I’m finding the furniture really helpful for my teaching pedagogy. It allows all the different students to be engaging in different tasks and different types and styles of tasks at different times.”
“The furniture here from BFX has been awesome it’s been really beneficial to the way that we’re learning here and it was really good that the students were able to take ownership in designing and implementing and piecing together the furniture that best suits their style of learning.” – Anthony Graham, Grade 5 Teacher
“When we first got the furniture it was really important that the kids kind of chose where they were going to put the furniture so I let them plan and reorganize the classroom and we’ve had a few shuffles around with it and played around with it but making sure we check in with the kids.” – Larissa Livermore, Grade 5 Teacher
“It’s been really good for them to actually be involved in that whole process so they actually feel like they’ve taken some really good ownership on their classroom setting.
“There are some new pieces of furniture in there like the whiteboard table, the semicircle tables which are all adjustable height which is awesome. It means we can put them up and down for different needs.” – Andrew Fellows, Grade 5 Teacher

“Me personally, I quite like the high school desk. Putting them both together gives a really good opportunity to have group work and also a lot of guided practice within there.”
“I know a lot of the students surprisingly actually like the single desk with the whiteboard gloss finish. It has been really beneficial for the students especially during independent work.” – Anthony Graham, Grade 5 Teacher
"The reason why I like the bean bag is because it's really comfortable and I really enjoy the colour."
Olivia, Grade 5 Student
“My favourite bit of furniture is probably the circle table that we’re sitting at right now and this is my favourite piece of furniture because you can write on the whiteboard table and you can like
work out if there’s like hard maths or something you can work it out on the table and you can rub it off without using more space in your book” – Kayla, Grade 5 student.

“As the weeks have progressed they’ve decided that they really like the Jotter Tables with the happy stools and their forever adjusting them to make them taller or shorter some of them stand at them some of them still on the floor with them and they really love them. So they’re a hot commodity in our classroom.” – Larissa Livermore, Grade 5 Teacher
“My favorite bit of furniture are the curved tables and I like the yellow colour because you can put a couple together and it makes like a guided space so the teacher can sit in the middle any students around the outside.” – Katie, Grade 5 student
Shop A Full Range Of Collaborative Learning Furniture
“So it’s been really really positive. When the furniture came at the start of this term there was so much excitement we changed the classroom up. We redesigned the whole layout of the classroom to ensure that it best suited them as learners and we constantly move the classroom around.”
“There’s no sort of one fixed way. If the students are sort of liking one way they’re learning at the moment we’ll sort of gravitate to that and the great thing about the BFX furniture is that it’s so easy to move.”
“Most of it’s on wheels, if it’s not on wheels it’s light enough so it can be moved quickly and it’s not chunky or similar to sort of the old-style furniture. It’s really moveable and durable so we can move it and a lot of it actually can interlink, so you can put one semicircle with another and you can always put a whole circular table there. The seating arrangement can be used for the old traditional desks as well.” – Anthony Graham, Grade 5 Teacher
"I like how the desks have adjustable heights so if you're a shorter person you can put the desk down lower and if you're a tall person you can put the desk up higher. I also like how we have circle desks so that we can sit in a group and have like team discussions and group discussions and we can also include our teacher too."
Katie, Grade 5 Student
“I’m finding the furniture really helpful for my teaching pedagogy. It allows all the different students to be engaging in different tasks and different types and styles of tasks at different times.”
“So some kids are on the floor with the small Jotter Tables and working around one table because they don’t need a table each so laptop on the table and typing away.”
“Other kids are writing and making sure they’re at the at the round tables and so there’s a lot of behavior teaching they had to go into being able to use the different types of furniture. But it’s definitely helping my teaching pedagogy and allowing me to give them multiple opportunities to learn the same subject area.” – Larissa Livermore, Grade 5 Teacher